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Hooray 7 - Work on Grammar 1 - Klasse 7 (TP 158)

Kategorien: Englisch

Schularten: Haupt- / Real- / Mittelschule  

Klassenstufen: Sekundarstufe I + II   

Mit 70 interaktiven Übungen und Aufgaben unterstützt Sie das Themenpaket "Hooray 7 – Work on Grammar 1 – Klasse 7" beim Grammatikunterricht der 7. Klasse im Fach Englisch.

Im Fokus stehen folgende Inhalte: Use of adjectives(long/short), comparisons (all forms, good/bad, little/more, as/as), containers, quantifiers (countable/uncountable, much/many, little/few), compounds (with some, any, no, every), ing-forms, modal verbs (can/could, must/have to), one-ones. Die Übungen werden mit anschaulichen Bildern in verschiedenen Aufgabenformaten angeboten; dies ermöglicht intensives Üben der einzelnen Themen.

Das Themenpaket "Hooray 7 – Work on Grammar 1 – Klasse 7" eignet sich für den Einsatz in der Förder-, Mittel- und Realschule. Weitere Lehrplaninhalte aus der 7. Jahrgangsstufe wie simple present (affirmative, negative, interrogative), present progressive (affirmative, negative, interrogative), simple present-present progressive mix (contrastive use), will future, going-to future, will-going-to future mix (contrastive use), conditional, word order and short reading texts, regular and irregular forms of the simple past (affirmative, negative, interrogative), present perfect (simple), simple past-present perfect mix (contrastive use), question words/tags, adverbs, relative pronouns, reflexive pronouns werden ergänzend in den Paketen Hooray 7 – Work on Grammar 2 bzw. 3 angeboten. Die Themenpakete können sowohl einzeln als auch in Kombination eingesetzt werden.


(1) Index-Seite 1; (2) Index-Seite 2; (3) Adjectives 1 - short/long cluster; (4) Adjectives 2 - short/long match; (5) Adjectives 3 - short/long match; (6) Adjectives 4 - match; (7) Adjectives 5 - complete; (8) Adjectives 6 - match; (9) Adjectives 7 - match; (10) Adjectives 8 - choose; (11) Adjectives 9 - complete; (12) Adjectives 10 - match; (13) Comparison 1 - cluster; (14) Comparison 2 - free match; (15) Comparison 3 - choice; (16) Comparison 4 - gaps; (17) Comparison 5 - gaps; (18) Comparison 6 - complete; (19) Comparison 7 - choice; (20) Comparison 8 - choice; (21) Comparisons 9 complete; (22) Comparison 10 - choice; (23) Comparisons with good and bad; (24) Comparisons with little and more; (25) Comparisons with good, bad, little, much, more; (26) Comparisons - as ... as, not so ... as; (27) Comparisons all mixed - complete; (28) Containers 1 - match; (29) Containers 2 - choose; (30) Containers 3 - complete; (31) Containers 4 - match; (32) Containers 5 - complete; (33) Quantifiers 1 count./uncount. - choice; (34) Quantifiers 2 count./uncount. - choose; (35) Quantifiers 3 count./uncount. - choice; (36) Quantifiers 4 count./uncount. - choice; (37) Quantifiers 5 count./uncount. - match; (38) Quantifiers 6 count./uncount. - complete; (39) Quantifiers 7 count./uncount. - cluster; (40) Quantifiers 8 count./uncount. - cluster; (41) Quantifiers 9 count./uncount. - cluster; (42) Quantifiers 10 count./uncount. - complete; (43) Quantifiers 1 much or many - mixed match; (44) Quantifiers 2 much or many - complete; (45) Quantifiers 3 much-many- choice; (46) Quantifiers 4 much-many - choice; (47) Quantifiers 5 much or many - cluster; (48) Quantifiers 6 a little, a few - match; (49) Quantifiers 1 some any all no - choice; (50) Quantifiers 2 some any all no - complete; (51) Quantifiers 3 some any all no - complete; (52) Quantifiers 4 all mixed - complete; (53) Compounds with some, any - complete; (54) Compounds with some, any - match; (55) Compounds with some, any, no - choice; (56) Compounds with some, any, no, every - match; (57) Compounds with some, any, no - match; (58) Compounds some, no, any... - complete; (59) Ing-forms 1 - choice; (60) Ing-forms 2 - complete; (61) Ing-forms 3 - complete; (62) Ing-form after prepositions - compl.; (63) Ing-form after prepositions - compl.; (64) Modals can-could 1 - choice; (65) Modals can-could 2 - choice; (66) Modal must-have to - match; (67) Modal verbs mixed 1 - choice; (68) Modal verbs mixed 2 - complete; (69) Modal verbs mixed 3 - choice; (70) One-ones 1 - choice; (71) One-ones 2 - complete; (72) One-ones 3 - complete;

Autor: Angela Bielmeier


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