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Hooray 5 - Work on Grammar 2 - Klasse 5 (TP 132)

Kategorien: Englisch

Schularten: Haupt- / Real- / Mittelschule  

Klassenstufen: Sekundarstufe I + II   

Mit 68 interaktiven Übungen und Aufgaben unterstützt Sie das Themenpaket "Hooray 5 – Work on Grammar 2 – Klasse 5" beim Grammatikunterricht der 5. Klasse im Fach Englisch.

Im Fokus stehen folgende Inhalte: Use of there is / there are, affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of the verb (to) be, (to) have and (to) have got, (to) do, short answers affirmative and negative, the verbs (to) be, (to) have and (to) do in mixed exercises and short reading texts. Die Übungen werden mit anschaulichen Bildern in unterschiedlichen Aufgabenformaten angeboten; dies ermöglicht intensives Üben der einzelnen Themen.

Das Themenpaket "Hooray 5 – Work on Grammar 2 – Klasse 5" eignet sich sowohl für den Einsatz in der täglichen Unterrichtspraxis der Mittel- und Realschule als auch zur gezielten Förderung von Schülern im Rahmen der Binnendifferenzierung.

Weitere Lehrplaninhalte aus der 5. Jahrgangsstufe wie "indefinite article, plural forms, personal pronouns, verb (to) be for beginners, possessive adjectives, demonstrative pronouns, prepositions, use of the Genitive-s., use of the simple present, negations, questions and question words, word order, modal verb can, will-future, adverbs of frequency, daily routines and forms of the simple past for beginners" in Hooray 5 – Work on Grammar 1 bzw. 3 angeboten.


(1) Index-Seite 1; (2) Index-Seite 2; (3) There is - there are 1 - free match; (4) There is - there are 2 - cluster; (5) There is - there are 3 - choice; (6) There is - there are 4 - gaps; (7) There is - there are 5 - gaps; (8) There is - there are 6 - complete; (9) There is - there are 7 - choice; (10) There is - there are 8 - choice; (11) There is - there are 9 - free match; (12) There is - there are 10 - choice; (13) Be affirmative 1 - cluster; (14) Be affirmative 2 - complete; (15) Be affirmative 3 - choice; (16) Be affirmative 4 - check; (17) Be affirmative 5 - jumbled sentences; (18) Be affirmative 6 - complete; (19) Be affirmative 7 - choice; (20) Be affirmative 8 - gaps; (21) Be affirmative 9 - complete; (22) Be affirmative 10 - jumbled sentences; (23) Be negative 1 - cluster; (24) Be negative 2 - complete; (25) Be negative 3 - choice; (26) Be negative 4 - match; (27) Be negative 5 - choice; (28) Be negative 6 - jumbled sentences; (29) Be negative 7 - gap text; (30) Be negative 8 - gap text; (31) Be negative 9 - gaps; (32) Be negative 10 - gaps; (33) Be interrogative 1 - match; (34) Be interrogative 2 - complete and match; (35) Be interrogative 3 - complete; (36) Be interrogative 4 - choice; (37) Be interrogative 5 - choice; (38) Be interrogative 6 - jumbled sentences; (39) Be interrogative 7 - jumbled sentences; (40) Be interrogative 8 - jumbled sentences; (41) Be interrogative 9 - match; (42) Be interrogative 10 - match; (43) Be short answers affirmative; (44) Be short answers negative; (45) Have affirmative - choice; (46) Have negative - choice; (47) Have interrogative - match; (48) Have got affirmative - choice; (49) Have got negative - gaps; (50) Have got interrogative - complete and match; (51) Do affirmative - cluster; (52) Do negative - match; (53) Do negative - choice; (54) Do interrogative 1 - complete and match; (55) Do interrogative 2 - choice; (56) Do interrogative 3 - gaps; (57) Do interrogative 4 - gaps; (58) Do short answers affirmative; (59) Do short answers negative; (60) Do jumbled sentences negative; (61) Do - jumbled questions; (62) Be, have, do mixed questions 1; (63) Be, have, do mixed questions 2; (64) Be, have, do mixed questions 3; (65) Be, have, do short answers mix 1; (66) Be, have, do short answers mix 2; (67) Be, have, do short answers mix 3; (68) Reading School life in Port Moresby 1 - gap text; (69) Reading School life in Port Moresby 2 - gap text; (70) Reading School life in Port Moresby 3 - gap text;

Autor: Angela Bielmeier


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